
Defamation occurs where one person communicates, by words, photographs, video, illustrations or other means, material which has the effect or tendency of damaging the reputation of another.”  That traditional definition is now expanded to cover publication over the Internet.

Despite that straightforward definition, the law of defamation is far from simple.  It involves common law principles and, since the beginning of 2006, the statutory provisions of the (national) Uniform Defamation Act.  The fact that defamation law is now uniform throughout the country enables Australian Defamation Lawyers to readily and easily undertake cases in any State or Territory.

Australian Defamation Lawyers are defamation specialists.  Unlike some law firms that promote defamation work, we are NOT personal injury litigation lawyers.

Defamation is demanding.  It requires precise and specialised legal advice.  Barrie Goldsmith, with more than 30 years of experience, can provide that experience and expertise.

Australian Defamation Lawyers has offices in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney but undertakes cases in all States and Territories of Australia.


Slander was previously the spoken form of defamation and libel was the written form.  Since the introduction of the Defamation Act 2005, there is now no individual tort of slander or of libel, they are collectively classified as defamation.

Experience Matters

Please note that the firm of Goldsmiths Lawyers was acquired by HFK Lawyers

Specialist Defamation Lawyer

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